
Windows 10 my screen keeps scrolling on its own
Windows 10 my screen keeps scrolling on its own

windows 10 my screen keeps scrolling on its own

Check that the dirt on your scroll wheel is not obstructing it. Check your wireless mouse’s batteries and replace them if necessary. How do you stop a computer from scrolling? You should be able to resolve this problem by changing the mouse settings on your computer.

windows 10 my screen keeps scrolling on its own

If you suspect that one of these is the cause, you should try updating your drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling the touchpad drivers, or running a virus scan. Other potential causes of an Asus laptop auto-scrolling could include a driver issue, a faulty touchpad, or a virus. To fix this, simply go into the mouse settings and change the touchpad mode. The most common reason is that the touchpad is set to ‘scroll’ mode instead of ‘pointer’ mode. If you find that your Asus laptop is automatically scrolling, it could be due to a variety of issues.

Windows 10 my screen keeps scrolling on its own